Survival Slingshot Isn’t Your Usual Backyard Toy

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


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We don’t really live in an age where a slingshot is considered an appropriate toy, but not 25 years ago it kind of was. We’re a little sad about that, but it’s not like the Survival Slingshot pictured above would have ever really fit the bill anyway. The 25 lbs elastic band can propel those steel balls fast enough to put out a lot more than an eye. As a matter of fact, this slingshot means really serious business:

Handle contains two 2.875 by .875 inch clear tubes with fishing hooks, line, swivels, weights, striker & matches, thread, needles, pin, steel slingshot ammo. Also included is 1.25″ split ring and bands for archery capability. Fully expandable with innovative dual rail system to attach weaver mount bases and accessories. Optional bracket allows attachment of whisker biscuits such as Trophy Ridge, True Glow, Octane or Hijack for even greater accuracy shooting arrows.

As you can see, the idea behind this item is that it’ll let you catch your own food in a survival situation. For $50 a piece, it doesn’t look like a bad investment.

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