The King Jim company from Japan has just announced the release of a tiny washing machine that can live on your countertop. The Swash, as it’s called, doesn’t fit a whole bunch of clothes, only about 250 grams. But that should be enough to wash a few hand towels, or maybe a couple of socks or a dirty shirt. It’s for those occasions where you don’t have time to run out to the cleaners, and don’t want to make the effort of hand washing in the sink. It’s a 15 minute washing cycle plus a 3 minute rinse, and uses about 5 litres of water each time. Just fill it up with H2O, place the drainage hose in the sink, and you’re good to go.
Of course, the convenience of not having to hand wash your own dirty clothes will cost you a decent amount. In this case, roughly $160. And we’re not even sure if there’s a spin cycle, so good luck drying them in a hurry. Also, good luck getting your hands on one unless you’re in Japan. It’s released there on the 15th of February.
[ Product Page (Translated) ] VIA [ FarEastGizmos ]