Takara Tomy Digital Camera for Toddlers (Images courtesy Japan Trends)
By Andrew Liszewski

Takara Tomy is hoping to get kids hooked on digital photography at an even younger age than anyone thought was possible with this new toddler-friendly digital camera they unveiled at the Tokyo Toy Show last month. I’m assuming it’s durable enough to be frequently dropped, and sports the usual bright colors, cartoony characters and oversized buttons we’ve come to expect on kid-friendly electronics. But what makes it unique is that instead of an oversized viewfinder or a large LCD display on the back, the camera simply features a photo-sized hole that littles ones can hold up in front of them to frame their shots. Now I’m sure the photos it snaps won’t perfectly match what kids are seeing in the frame, but I doubt they’ll be as anal about it as a professional photographer would be.

I have no idea when the camera will be available, how much it will cost or if you’ll ever be able to find one outside of Japan. But according to Japan Trends it does include a self-timer and has enough storage to hold 99 x 3MP shots.

[ Japan Trends – Digital Camera for Toddlers ]