To be perfectly honest, it doesn’t take a whole bunch of work to clean a pair of glasses. But if a device can do it for you, and not just clean but “disinfect, anti-fog treat, dry and (optionally) scent your spectacles in only four minutes”, then we start getting curious. Because what is the point of technology if not to make simple tasks even easier? Cliris uses ultrasonic tech and the company’s biodegradable cleaning solution to achieve these results. The solution comes in replaceable pods that last about 30 cleaning cycles and cost about $25 each. Yeah, that’s almost $1 per cleaning, and $269 for the device itself, which is a whole lot of money for something you can do yourself. But if you’ve got a good chunk of disposable income lying around and really dislike cleaning your glasses, the link to their Kickstarter is at the bottom. The project is quite far from being funded, perhaps because other people agree that it’s too much money for too little benefit. But you never know what good marketing can achieve.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]