TARDIS Mini Fridge Has Unlimited Space for a Lifetime’s Supply of Fish Fingers and Custard

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TARDIS Mini Fridge

Doctor Who is the only doctor who never really ever dies. That’s because whenever he’s on the verge of death (and eventually dies), he regenerates and comes back to Earth with a new face, a new personality, and a whole new set of odd quirks and weird preferences. He’ll still have his trusty sonic screwdriver and TARDIS, of course, but aside from that, everything changes.

Including his favorite food. If you follow the show closely, then you’ll know that the eleventh reincarnation (that’s the present Doctor Who) loves chomping down fish fingers and custard. Knowing him, he’ll probably want to hoard a lifetime’s supply of his favorite grub in his trusty fridge. And since he’s the Doctor, there’s only one refrigerator that can meet his needs: the TARDIS Mini Fridge.

TARDIS Mini Fridge

It’s small on the outside and big on the inside. But for the rest of us mere humans, it’s small on the outside and still hella small on the inside. It looks like a fancily-decorated cabinet at first glance, but it’s actually a real mini fridge. The best part? It makes TARDIS sounds whenever you open and close the refrigerator door. Perfect for every Doctor Who fan and for the perpetual snacker.

The TARDIS Mini Fridge is priced at $79.99.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geeks Are Sexy ]

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