Tatooine Sand Watches Will Help Save the Lars Homestead

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Tatooine Sand Watches (Image courtesy Planet Tatooine Collectibles)
By Andrew Liszewski

So here’s the backstory. Since traveling to a far-off planet to location shoot the Tatooine scenes from the original Star Wars film would have been cost-prohibitive, the filmmakers built and shot the sets in Tunisia instead. Including the Lars’ family home, commonly known as the ‘igloo’. Unfortunately the conditions and temperatures in the Tunisian desert have slowly weathered those sets over time, to the point where they’re close to being completely destroyed. So a group of fans has planned an expedition to Tunisia to restore them to their original glory, but in order to do that they need money. And as Lucasfilm has proved time and time again, the best way to get money is with Star Wars merchandise.

Taking a page from the Romain Jerome design playbook, the restoration team has created a collectible watch that features actual sand from the Tatooine sets adorning the face. The numbers surrounding the watch face are printed in Aurebesh, the official language of the Star Wars universe, and each timepiece is made from solid 316L stainless steel, machined brass and Seiko mechanisms. According to their Kickstarter page the watch has a suggested retail price of $112, and you can get one with a donation of just $77. However, it looks like the project has already reached their $22,760 funding goal. So not only will the sets hopefully be preserved, but they’ll have a few extra credits to head into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters too.

[ Kickstarter – Planet Tatooine Collectibles ] VIA [ TheForce.Net ]

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