Teen Takes $200 From Her Dad To “Get Off Facebook”

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There’s a story being reported online about a teen in Wellesley, Massachussets, who allegedly accepted $200 from her father to get off Facebook. We… think the father just got conned. The narrative goes that Paul Baier’s 14 year old daughter was having trouble finding babysitting jobs and one day turned to her dad and said “Dad, would you pay me to get off Facebook?” After explaining to him that she was finding it distracting from her school work, and managing to convince the poor man that she was “being responsible”, Baier agreed to the deal, doling out the money in increments, with the final payment coinciding with the end of the school year. She is, after all, an honor student, and this would allow her to focus on her studies…

“She turns it on, she’ll have 30 to 40, [even] 50 little alerts things popping up,” Baier said.

“It’s a responsible thing for her to do. Moderation is very good and [Facebook] in extreme, can be dangerous,”

Of course no one ever said that honor students were stupid, and we’re firmly convinced that at best, all that Paul Baier’s daughter has succeeded in doing is blocking her father and all his friends and relatives, and gotten away with $200 for the effort. At worst, this is a pretty sad attempt at getting press attention from the both of them; someone, after all, had to contact the media to tell this story.

[ 7News WHDH ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]

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