Because what’s the point of going to engineering school if you can’t make a rig that shoots candy into your mouth, amirite? Well, a team of students at Olin College have created just that, and they called it the Confectionary Cannon. With a budget of $250, they took “four servos, a webcam, a solenoid and an Arduino Uno to make up the electrical system, which uses Python and OpenCV”, and created a device that’ll make anyone with a sweet tooth and a love of tech salivate just a little. Face recognition software looks for your mouth and the press of a button delivers the goods. Yeah, it doesn’t look like it has the most perfect accuracy in the world, but a little head movement on your part should be enough to bite down on the flying sugar.
No, it’s not available for purchase, but knowing that it can be made for that little money must mean some business minded person somewhere is working on it, right? Right?
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