By David Ponce
You’re going to see DIY guns with a zombie theme from time to time, but it’s not everyday that you come across a zombie rifle that actually appears to be headed to production. The DoubleStar Zombie-X AK-47 wants to keep you safe from the undead hordes by having a chainsaw attachment. However, it’s powered by a lithium-ion battery so it sadly lacks that gutsy chainsaw growl that you’d expect from such a weapon. And aside from the branding painted on the rifle, you also have a EOTech Zombie Stopper XPS2-Z Holographic Sight which replaces the standard reticule with a biohazard symbol. The sight itself is $559 so we expect the Zombie-X to be a whole lot more expensive than the company’s current $1,249 “Zombie Slayer” weapon. And no word on availability.
Hit the jump for a video and links.
[ Company Website ] VIA [ DVice ]