By David Ponce


You’re one tough MoFo. You ain’t got no place for no pussy Band-Aids. Hell, you get cut, you get cut. If it bleeds, it bleeds. You got nails to hammer, two by fours to cut and cement to pour. There’s just no way you’re going to be seen wearing a Band-Aid.

Unless it’s a Duct Tape Band-Aid.

Yeah, that’s right. It’s made by the Nexcare division of 3M, though I can’t seem to find it on their website. In any case,

The plasters are designed to look like duct tape, presumably so that the wearer doesn’t feel embarrassed about wearing them. They also come in longer lengths for larger fingers, while the packaging is designed to fit easily in a toolbox.

More here. Story VIA Strange New Products.


  1. Well, if duct tape or a similar adhesive tape is used it’s actually a great, but old idea. When I worked on cars a lot, I often covered regular band-aids with duct tape. It really helps minimize direct wound contact with the mean chemicals and infection causing bacteria you tend to encounter when working with your hands. Plus, if You find that a box of hello kitty band-aids are all that’s left in your cabinet, you had better slap a bit of duct tape over it before heading to the shop.

  2. […] Say your a man. Not just any man, but a really manly man. You know the kind. The one that drinks his coffee black, so black that a spoon would stand up straight if put into the cup. The kind of man who can fix anything from houses to cars to broken thermos handles (heehee). The kind of man who would never consider wearing a Barbie band aid because all of your manly men friends would make fun of you. Well now you too can keep those woulds clean while still being tuff and keeping your pride. Introducing the Duct Tape Band Aid. […]

  3. […] While it’s not made by Band-Aid (Johnson and Johnson), I’ll just use the term “band-aid” in the general term like we do for calling all cola “Coke”. Now, we all know how much manly-men like duct tape and how it “fixes everything” so why not use it on those wounds caused by that manly work these men do all day? Ya, that’s right, now we have duct tape band-aid’s. How special, no? […]

  4. Duct tape seems to work against warts because it irritates them. Many wart therapies (including liquid nitrogen in the doctor’s office) work by irritating the skin around the wart enough to cause an immune response that will resolve the wart (which is caused by a viral infection).

  5. Duct Tape Band-Aids

    Okay, this is something I think they’re going to have trouble keeping in stock: band-aids made to look like duct-tape. Via OhGizmo, we learn The plasters are designed to look like duct tape, presumably so that the wearer doesn’t feel…

  6. Duct Tape Bandage

    This is just for the men (because I can’t really see women going for this…) I even filed this under fashion because well, it doesn’t go anywhere else. So if you’re a manly man, but you DO consider hygiene and health to be imp…

  7. […] Read more here, and here, and thanks to OhGizmo!. Also see what the manufacturer has to say about it (3M). Also read what they have to say about their Duct Tape Bandage: The plasters are designed to look like duct tape, presumably so that the wearer doesn’t feel embarrassed about wearing them. They also come in longer lengths for larger fingers, while the packaging is designed to fit easily in a toolbox. […]

  8. Hmm, and here all these years I would simply cover up a large wound with a torn strip of an old rag and whatever tape was at hand. No time to stop, run in the shop/house, get a bandaid, futz with the dinky delicate paper its wrapped in, and put the stupid thing on. Besides, 9 times out of 10 it’d fall right back off anwyay. If its not bleeding so badly you’re covering your work in blood, just keep working!

  9. […] Well they certainly have a niche market. Make sure you stock your local SCA Chiurgeon’s first aid kit with these things. I’m pretty sure that Jim and Tim, the authors of The Duct Tape Book, have used duct tape to hold together limbs accidentally cut by a band saw, and these bandages certainly won’t help in those particular situations. Duct-tape band-aids Cory Doctorow: 3M has launched a line of grey duct-tape-inspired band-aids. They’re packaged to fit in a toolbox. Link (via Gizmodo) [Listening to: Woodstock – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Anthology] Current Mood:  okay   […]

  10. We have been making our own band-aids out of toilet paper and real duct tape for years and arent about to waste money on this sissy imitation product.

  11. I am a woman, as my name implies. I have actually used Duct tape instead of regular wimpy band aids. Duct tape stays put! Why even bother with the frilly Duct tape bandages when a roll of Duct tape is cheaper, lasts longer, and is much more versatile?

    Another marketing gimmick for the poorly endowed male?

  12. I think your lead-in piece by David Ponce is pretty foul and speaks to the worst of stereotypical social and gender concepts. It does a disservice to men and women alike. Maybe your product is hardier than other band-aids but your presentation is offensive.

  13. What a geeky product. I could see a weeny like Bob Vila wearing something like that. I don’t need no stinking band-aid. Let it bleed. Unless you’re a hemo, it’ll stop bleeding when it clots. If the wound is bad enough that you should get stitches, then save yourself a trip to the hospital and cover it with Crazy Glue (seriously! –It holds the wound together, keeps out infection, and wears away in a few days when the wound is strong enough to hold itself together.)

  14. I think I agree with woman who said it’s nothing more than a marketing gimick. I used to work in a lumberyard and used duct take all the time. Not only on cuts, bit blisters, splinters, and the like. God knows duct tape is going to be cheaper than specialty band-aids. Come on men, be smart and don’t fall for this lame gimick. Oh, and I’ve never thought of superglue – but I like the idea!

  15. Where can I find duct tape bandages?
    I bought some at a wal-mart near us,but they ran out and have not gotten any more in stock. I have not been able too find them any where..
    Can you please tell me where I can get them at?.

    Thank You in advance for your help.

  16. Hi where can I find duct tape bandages?
    I found some at a wal–mart,but they ran out and have not gotten any more in stock.
    so any help you can give me would be great.
    thank you in advance for your hepl.

  17. Sure would like a sample one for my husband. He hates the regular bandaids. I think he thinks he looks like a “wimp” with them on him. LOL. Erma Price, 24 Walnut St., Crisfield , MD 21817. Just in clase you have one laying around. Thanks

  18. Your all a bunch of idiots! Real men, that are bleeding, protect other people from contact with his blood or any other fluid for that matter. Take a first aid class and you’ll find that a bandaid made of any sterile material, even newspaper, is better than nothing, and that duct tape used to secure something sterile over the wound is a good field dressing tool.

  19. i don't really think it matters if it looks like duct tape. it's still a pussified move. lol i mean, if you're actually bleeding a freakin band aid isn't really going to help you so get some gauze dork. band aids are for girls with hangnails and papercuts. LOL

  20. i don't really think it matters if it looks like duct tape. it's still a pussified move. lol i mean, if you're actually bleeding a freakin band aid isn't really going to help you so get some gauze dork. band aids are for girls with hangnails and papercuts. LOL

  21. i dont know about buying these but i work in a nursing home as maintenance and often cut my hands i cant have my blood going every where so i just make one out of duct tape and paper towels mostly cause band aids never stay on when i work. since these just look like duct tape i dont think they would work as good as one made out of duct tape