Keurig is probably having a fit at its brand name being used this way, but perhaps they should be happy that they’re now so closely associated with pod-based single-serve appliances. In this case however you won’t be brewing yourself a steaming mug of Joe, but a crispy tortilla instead. The Flatev uses pods, much like the Keurig, only these ones are filled with all the ingredients necessary to make a tasty, fresh tortilla at home. Pick your dough, and your crispiness level, press a button, and sit back as the machine does the rest. To get your own, you’ll have to pledge at least $239, but you get a batch of 48 pods to start with. We don’t know how much each pod will set you back but it’s not like this is meant to be the most cost-efficient cooking method.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]