The Future Is Now: This Is A Levitating Lamp

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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By David Ponce

You know it’s the future when America has a black president, Oprah isn’t on anymore and stuff is levitating all over the place. This lamp is yet another example. Look closely at the picture above (or play the video below) and you’ll notice the upper section of this lamp isn’t attached to anything. It’s called Silhouette #1 and will cost you 1,000 Euros. For that price you get a lot of levitation but not that much lighting, as the LED based lamp puts out a puny 300lux.

Well actually, we’re not really sure if 300 lux is a lot of not. We just assumed it isn’t. Any engineers in the crowd?

Silhouette #1 Demo Video from Crealev on Vimeo.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Dvice ]

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