The Hot Glue Gun Is A Thing That Exists

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Because we’re definitely too healthy, physically, as a nation, it’s clearly time to make it easier to put cheese on everything. The Fondoodler is a device whose only purpose is to melt cheese and extrude it over anything you want. The name comes from a combination of Fondue and Doodle, because you’ll be doodling with your melted cheese (did you know that ‘Fondue’ means ‘melted’ in French?). You can use it to decorate your dishes, caulk your bathtub, make 3D cheese structures or squirt it straight into your face. Beware: hot cheese is hot. It works with just about any type of cheese that melts, from processed crap to fancy aged goudas.

It’s $25.





[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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