The Human Slingshot Game: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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We’re counting down the days until the above “toy” gets banned from shelves everywhere, but until then, we’ll encourage as many people as possible to get it. It’s a very large band of stretchy material that is meant to be used by 4 people at once.

“Gameplay is simple, but amazingly fun. In a synchronized pattern, players run toward each other and into the walls of the giant band creating the momentum necessary to catapult the other players across the confines of the slingshot.”

Grown men hurtling towards each other with no protection, aided in their momentum by a giant stretchy rubber band? Sign us up!

A description really doesn’t do the Human Slingshot justice. We suggest watching a few seconds of the below video. Then, once you spend the $75 asking price and receive the product, we’d like to remind readers that alcohol has been known to enhance activities that require coordination. That said, we’re not liable for any damages that your body may incur.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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