By David Ponce
Clearly aimed at a segment of society that eschews every little technological advance (like seniors), the Jitterbug Plus mobile device pictured above is made by Samsung and is as simple as they come. There’s no touch screen, no fancy applications, no small buttons or anything that might make life complicated for someone who sees phones as nothing more than a device with which to speak with another human being. The Jitterbug instead has an extremely simple and straightforward interface along with large backlit buttons (with two clearly labeled “Yes” and “No”) that should make it as easy as possible to operate. There’s even, perhaps surprisingly, a 1.3MP camera that will post to Facebook at the touch of a button, but no filters, editing, or anything too complex. “The Jitterbug Plus is available now in red or silver for $99 at retailers like Best Buy, Radio Shack and Fry’s, along with the company’s online store, however pricing is expected to jump to $119 shortly after launch.”
[ Press Release (PDF) ] VIA [ Engadget ]