The Lockitron Lets You Open Your Door With Your Smartphone

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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This is a pretty awesome product. It’s called the Lockitron, and allows you to open your door using your smartphone. But even though it’s not the first such product on the market, this one has some pretty sweet features that make it stand out. For one, it installs over most regular deadbolt locks, meaning you don’t have to change your lock and can have it up and running in less than a minute. It just slides over the turning knob and mechanically toggles it on command. Depending on the type of phone you own, it does its thing differently: iPhone 4S and 5 have Bluetooth 4.0, so simply walking up to the door opens it. Some Android phones (like the Galaxy S III) have NFC, so waving the phone over the door does the trick. No smartphone? That’s ok, for a fee you can just send a text and get in that way.

The Lockitron is also permanently connected to Wifi, allowing for remote operation. This means for example that you can set the door to remain unlocked for a certain period, like if you’re having a party. Or you can just trigger it open on a case by case basis, like if your kids forgot their keys and you need to let them in. You even get an alert if someone opens the door using a traditional key, keeping you on top of the comings and goings in your home. And it doesn’t stop there! There’s also a knock sensor that alerts you of guests at your door.

It works off of two AA batteries which last about a year. You get some alerts when they’re running low, so you won’t be surprised one day and be unable to enter your own home.

It’s $149 on pre-order and will retail for $200 once it’s available sometime next year.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

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