Cycling is great, both for the environment and for yourself. But it’s not without its dangers, not the least of which is how hard it is for motorists to notice you even exist. We tend to be primed to detect other cars, and mostly, to hear other cars. Well, the Loud Mini is a small horn that you attach to your bike, but that sounds just like a car horn, and is just as loud at 125dB! At the press of a button you’ll emit the same kind of sound motorists are used to hear when an oncoming car wants to signal potential danger; they’ll break instinctively, before even knowing where the sound is coming from. This is exactly the sort of reaction a vulnerable cyclist is looking for, and can make the difference between an uneventful trip to the grocery store and a detour to the emergency room. A single charge will last up to 4 months, or 480 seconds of honking. It’s weather resistant, is easy to mount, and weighs only 410 grams. With a $149 pledge, you can get one in black.
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