The Mosquito, A Youth Deterrent System

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the mosquitoBy David Ponce

Well, Holy Jeevus and such. I saw this a while back, and at the time, thought it was some guy’s personal contraption. Little did I know that they were actually being sold!

I’m talking about The Mosquito, also known as the Ultrasonic Annoying-Emo-Teen Deterrent. It’s a special speaker that emits sounds at high frequencies. It’s ultimate goal: to annoy the crap out of those pesky kids hanging out in front of your store and scaring customers away. It works by broadcasting unpleasing sounds at a frequency that can be heard by younger people only. It has an effective range of about 20 meters.

It seems that as you age, you become unable to hear higher frequencies. This is called presbycusis or age related hearing loss, and is the key to this system’s success.

It’s been installed and used with great results in many places in the UK, and has been described as ?the most effective tool in our fight against anti social behaviour?. Oh, and it doesn’t bother dogs, apparently.

Uh huh. Well, annoying the kids away will cost you a pretty penny, though, with the system starting at ?495.

[The Mosquito] VIA [New Launches]

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