The Pop-Up Book Of Phobias

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The Pop-Up Book Of Phobias (Image courtesy Barnes & Noble)By Andrew Liszewski

A lot of psychologists believe that in order to deal with your phobias you have to first face them. But if you don’t think you’re quite ready to deal with them just yet then The Pop-Up Book Of Phobias could be good practice.

Written by comedian Gary Greenberg the book addresses all types of phobias including spiders, heights, snakes, death and even dentists through the use of macabre artwork that quite literally leaps from the page. I particularly like the hard cover finish of the book making it look like a reference text pulled from the shelf in a psychologist’s office. And while the book doesn’t seem to specifically address them it might even help me deal with my own phobias of ISBN numbers, prologues and also pop-up books.

If you’re ready to face your own fears you can find the book on Amazon for $19.77.

[ The Pop-Up Book Of Phobias ] VIA [ The Green Head ]

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