The Scariest Jack O’Lantern You’ll Ever See (Or Hear)

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Super Scary Honking Pumpkin (Image courtesy Todd Harrison)
By Andrew Liszewski

You can spend hours carving a horrific face in your pumpkin in a vain attempt to scare the neighborhood kids, but no matter what you come up with, I guarantee you won’t get results like Todd Harrison did last year. Inspired by a Make post from last Hallowe’en, Todd’s jack o’lantern looks innocent enough, until you push its small red nose. At first the eyes will start to glow, giving the button pusher a false sense of security, but a second later a set of 105 decibel car horns will blare, scaring the candy corn out of any trick-or-treaters who happened to be anywhere near his front porch.

Todd’s posted a couple videos of the pumpkin ‘in action’ on his website, as well as a materials list and a brief rundown on how it all went together, in case you were hoping to create your own by the 31st.

[ – Super scary honking pumpkin ] VIA [ Make ]

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