We can’t imagine too many people think daily about what they’ll do if they ever have the misfortune of being caught in a burning building. It’s a terrifying thought, and we understandably don’t spend our waking hours thinking about all the horrible things that could happen to us. Still, if you’ve ever experienced this nightmare, or worry about it more than others, know that there may now be a product that can save you in such situations. The SkySaver backpack contains everything one would need to rappel down a building, in the scary case that the fire department is unable to get to you. There’s a body harness, a window anchor bolt (which needs to be pre-installed), and a special winch that will lower you no faster than 6.5 feet per second. It’s still fast, but not terribly so; you’re going to want to get out of Dodge quickly anyway, so don’t fret. Backpacks come in 80, 160, and 260 feet lengths, so you’ll want to get one that’s appropriate for the floor you live/work on. Costing $750, $800, and $850 respectively, they’ll be “available soon.”
[ Product Page ] VIA [ ChipChick ]