The Smart Artisanal Coffee Machine from Poppy Looks Like The Perfect Coffee Snob’s Brewer

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When it comes to extracting a cup of Joe, there are just about a million ways to go about it. Many of these are considered inferior by coffee snobs, but we suspect The Pour-Over, a Smart Artisanal Coffee Machine from Poppy won’t be one of them. This connected appliance holds 1 1/4 pound of coffee beans which are ground just before extraction to conserve freshness. The grinder uses a crushing rather than a chopping motion, which conserves essential oils. The beans are then dropped onto the awaiting paper filter, and hot water from its 50 fluid ounce reservoir is poured over them to fill the double-walled insulating carafe beneath. Through the app you can adjust variables like grind size, brew time, and water temperature to concoct the perfect coffee.

The appliance itself is a stunner, with its elegant lines clad in copper, and will look great on any discerning customer’s counter. We don’t know exactly when The Poppy Pour-Over will be available, nor for how much, but you can sign up on their website to be notified of this.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Werd ]

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