The StarSeeker Chair Takes The Effort Out of Stargazing

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By David Ponce

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: technology is a laziness facilitator, with the ultimate goal of turning us into immobile blobs who control everything around them with minimal movement. That being said, the StarSeeker Chair from Bigha should be on any star gazer’s wish list, if only for the geek factor.

See, 2,000 clams will buy you a very cool, joystick-controlled motorized reclining chair with special binocular holders. All you have to do is take it outside, park your hopefully not yet horribly distended rump, and look up at the shiny dots. Don’t like that particular piece of sky? Press a knob and the chair will point you in another direction.

Get yours here. Story VIA Uncrate.

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