The Ultimate Case Mod: Coffee Maker PC

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The coder’s best friend is now Red Bull. Or maybe Mountain Dew. Or is that the gamer’s best friend? We’re having trouble keeping track of the caffeinated ‘boisson du jour’, but we’re fairly certain that coffee was popular at some point. In fact, we believe it still is so we’re wondering why it took so long for someone to make a Coffee Maker PC Case. Drugnor, a user on TheZooMod (a forum for discussing and displaying DIY projects) did just that and at the link below you can read all about how it was done. Some electric board wiring, a bit of paint, some soldering and next thing you know, this fella doesn’t even need to get up to brew a fresh batch. And no, it’s not for sale, though we hope you understand that half the fun is in making the thing, not so much in using it. So go ahead, hit the link and find out how to make your own. Let’s hope you don’t burn the house down in the process.

[ Project Page ] VIA [ DamnGeeky ]

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