The Ultimate Proposal: You Gotta Say ‘iDo’ to This

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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I’d hate to be the recipient of something stuffed into a Prank Pack. You know, those gift boxes that advertise outrageous (but fake) products on the outside while containing something different (but hopefully better) on the inside. This gift right here by Reddit user rad_rob to his girlfriend is sort of like that, minus the prank part because he used an iPad box.

But what’s inside isn’t an iPad–although it’ll probably give his girlfriend the surprise (and shock) of her life. Hit the break to check out what he gave his girl.

It all started with a box. More specifically, an iPad box. So why’d he take out the actual tablet and replace it with nothing big light pink foam? You’ll find out soon enough!

iPad Proposal

The measurements have been taken and a ‘replacement’ for the tablet constructed. That’s not going to be a tablet, though, I can tell you that… I guess it’s time like these when you’re more than happy that manufacturers list down product sizes on their websites.

iPad Proposal

But wait, what’s this? Well, basically his entire plan is revealed at this point. You have to admit, it’s a pretty good one, too.

iPad Proposal

And here it is, the almost-final product! It’s amazing what you can achieve with some good graphics software (and of course, a good graphics artist as well.)

iPad Proposal

The other big question is: Will it fit inside the box? Well, it looks like it will. Given the care and pains that he took earlier with the measurements, I’d be surprised if the constructed plate wouldn’t fit.

iPad Proposal

Now all it needs is the other star of the proposal: an engagement ring like the ones here that you can personalize by engraving. That’s what my sister and brother-in-law did with theirs, and I always get a little bit giddy when I see the line they had engraved on the inside of their rings: ‘Together forever.’

Here’s a look at Rob’s final gift aka his proposal:

iPad Proposal

Now that’s effort–I just hope he got his ‘iDo.’

It’s definitely a lot more creative than stuffing a ring into a box and getting down on one knee to propose. If you can do better than this, let us know: what would you do after you get the ring in order to come up with a damn good proposal?

VIA [ BuzzFeed ]

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