The Wheelman, Expensive Motorized Skateboard

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By David Ponce

This sounds like a good way for your face and the pavement to meet. Oh, and for your wallet to go missing one month’s salary in the process.

That said, there’s no doubt that there are those who wouldn’t mind owning the Australian-made Wheelman, a motorized skateboard of sorts. It’s powered by a two-stroke engine that holds 1.5 litres of fuel. That’s enough for an hour and a half of riding around, on or off-road at top speeds of 19mph. The fuel pump? You hold it in your hand, and squeeze it now and then (not sure whether this is the throttle as well).

The price of all this hilarity? $1,500.

Come inside for some videos.

[The Wheelman] VIA [TechEBlog]

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