The YotaPhone Has Two Screens And That’s A Good Thing

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Of course, the screens are not identical, that would be stupid. Instead, the YotaPhone allegedly will have a regular 5-inch, 1080p, AMOLED screen on the one side, and a low power 4.7 inch e-ink display on the other. The idea is that you can use the e-ink side for things that don’t really require a bright colourful display, like reading emails or texts. This will help with battery life, while flipping the phone to the other side will let you use it normally, with a proper refresh rate and colours and all. On the inside you have a 2.3GHz Snapdragon 800 processor running Android and while we don’t have other prospective specs, the essential feature here really is the dual screen. The company is planning to release an open SDK so that other developers may build applications like e-book readers, and if all goes well the device should sell for around $675.

VIA [ Engadget ]

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