Every day, people look at their reflections on the mirror and mentally list down everything that’s wrong with their faces. Their pores. Their eyes. Their skin. Their hair. Their eyebrows. Their nose. The picture-perfect mugs of celebrities and models in magazines certainly don’t help any. But what a lot of people don’t realize is that most of them look like that thanks to PhotoShop. Sure, there are a lot of natural beauties out there, but most images that appear in print media are retouched in one way or another.
Highlighting the features of the image-editing software in a tongue-in-cheek manner is artist and photographer Anna Hill with her series of parody PhotoShop ads called “Beauty is Only Pixel Deep.”
Hill explains: “The typical makeup ad or display in a store is a closeup on a girl’s face, who has absolutely no pores and an artificial glossy finish, which made me think they may as well be advertising PhotoShop. Makeup can do a lot, but it can’t make you look like that.”
Amen to that.
VIA [ Laughing Squid ]