This Couple Gets Paid Crazy Money To Post On Instagram

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

  • Ate pizza in Rome
  • Shopped in Marrakesh
  • Hiked in the mountains of Spain
  • Swam in Santorini
  • Drank tea in Morocco

Not the typical points you’re likely to see on a résumé, but instead, this is job experience that many of today’s young Instagram celebrities are able to boast about. Travel photos are arguably the most common status updates you’ll find on social media (food is perhaps a close second), and it doesn’t come much bigger than holiday pics on Instagram. 26-year-old Jack Morris and 23-year-old Lauren Bullen are genuinely massive stars on the photo sharing app, with close to three million followers between them and a job which involves traveling around the world’s most beautiful locations. And believe us, it’s not just frequent flyer miles that they are raking in.

“The most I’ve personally got for one post is $9,000,” says Jack in an interview with Cosmopolitan. “I did a job for a phone company where I flew out for three days; there were two days filming and then I had to do five photos on Instagram, and that was $35,000.”

After building up their travel photo accounts over many years respectively, the couple is now able to charge tourist boards and major brands thousands of dollars for essentially a nice picture and a hashtag. Amazingly, the couple has even been told that their rates are incredibly low compared to others. “Exact figures are hard to say because every job is different, but we won’t do a post for less than $3,000 USD,” adds Jack.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Jack and Lauren are incredibly good-looking and make a cute couple, but their images are of a high-quality and do deserve praise – this is a couple who have clearly worked hard to get where they are. The couple aspect, it seems, has only let them reach heights that weren’t previously possible. “As soon as we started posting photos together brands would contact us much more frequently than they would when we were travelling by ourselves,” Jack said. “I think they probably saw more value in a couple because it’s a target audience for most in the travel industry.”

While experts have listed some ways to gain more followers on social media, funnily enough, another Instagram couple decided that the best method to rise in the ranks was to copy what Jack and Lauren did – literally. As you can see, these imitators have recreated not only the locations and outfits, but the same camera angle, poses, and captions. The photo might be basically the same, but the amount of likes is a stark contrast, with roughly 40,000 to 100 a typical score. But hey, can’t blame them for wanting a great life, can you?

You can find Jack on @doyoutravel and Lauren on @gypsea_lust.

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