This Ear Thermometer Plugs Into Your Smartphone’s Audio Jack

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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There are many ways to take a person’s temperature, and some are less pleasant than others. The Tympani Ear Thermometer is the more pleasant type, gathering its data with an in-ear infrared sensor. It then transmits the information to your smartphone through its audio jack. A companion app lets you track your temperature, or email it to your doctor when necessary. It does its measurement in two seconds, which is great when your patient is an uncooperative baby or a really grumpy adult. Tympani requires no batteries, and best of all, costs very little at $25. It’s a fully-funded Indiegogo project, with expected shipment due in December.


[ Project page ] AND [ Product Page ] VIA [ MedGadget ]

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