This Giant iPhone is a Tribute to Steve Jobs

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Giant iPhone

Steve Jobs was a visionary, and the world will forever remember him as Apple’s staunch and dedicated leader. Although he may be gone, his memory and legacy will never be forgotten. Numerous online and real-world tributes flooded media when Jobs passed away, and another one of gigantic proportions has just popped up.

What you see above is a giant replica of the iPhone that was created as a monument for Jobs as part of a local competition. The display features a slideshow of the late Apple CEO’s career highlights, along with bits and pieces about the history of Apple. There’s also a QR code on the back of the monument that, when scanned, directs the user to a website commemorating the life and legacy of Steve Jobs.

The giant iPhone currently on display on the grounds of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

VIA [ Dvice ]

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