This Hooded Scarf Makes You Look Like An Ewok

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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With the release of The Force Awakens barely a month away, Star Wars fever is at an all time high. So of course the merchandising machine is running full steam. With it being the Holiday season, it’s practically hysterical. There won’t be any surprise then that we see stuff like the Star Wars Ewok Knit Hooded Scarf popping up. It’s a cute piece of clothing that presumably will keep you warm while also sort of making you look like an Ewok. You won’t fool anyone into thinking you’re an actual Ewok, however, because you don’t look ike George Lucas and everyone knows he made those in his image. Well, maybe he didn’t but I always thought he looked like an Ewok. Amirite? Anyone?

Ok, I’ll show myself out. But not before telling you the thing is $25.

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