This Is The Trash Can You’re Looking For

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


R2-D2. Trashcan. Yes, it’s R2-D2, and it’s a trashcan. Is it blasphemous? Is it cool? We can’t tell. All we know is that Star Wars fury is once again in full swing, and perhaps as dynamic as the movie marketing machine is, so is the merchandising craze. There are Star Wars… things up the wazoo these days, and people are gobbling them up with renewed fervour. The Star Wars R2-D2 Trashcan is an officially licensed Lucasfilm collectible, and is sold exclusively by ThinkGeek in the US. The head pops open when you press Artoo’s foot, to reveal an 11″ tall inner waste bin. And like any self-respecting officially licensed Star Wars collectible, it’s not cheap: $129.


[ Product Page] VIA [ GeeksAreSexy ]

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