This Pillow Nudges Your Snoring Spouse, So You Don’t Have To

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Ever spent hours wide awake staring at the ceiling, at 3 in the morning, wondering how you could have married this earthquake-inducing snore machine? Only to finally nudge them in the hopes that a change in position will calm the noise? Yeah, well with this Snore Activated Nudging Pillow, you don’t have to do a thing. A microphone will pick up the snoring and the internal mechanism will slowly inflate an air bladder, with the hopes that the changing shape will prompt the sleeper to move a bit. The microphone’s sensitivity can be adjusted, as well as how much the bladder inflates.

It’s said to be comfortable, although even if it isn’t the Pillow From Heaven™, your ability to sleep is worth even a little bit of discomfort on the part of your spouse, isn’t it? Right. It’s $150.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ GadgetReview ]

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