Designer Rie Hosokai‘s creations are unusual not because of the designs per se, but because of the material that she chooses to work with. Earlier this year, Rie created a white dress made from balloons that was exhibited at the “Piece for Peace” charity art exhibition held at the Parco Gallery in Tokyo.
The dress was simple enough with its puffy sleeves and balloon skirt made from “knitting” balloons together. Now Rie is back again with the same design but another material. This time, she chose to work with LEGO bricks.
For most people, it’s just a LEGO dress. For Rie, though, it means a whole lot more.
There is fear in that we are all different from one another, but that is also the gateway to self-consciousness.
Self-consciousness was once whole, but in the modern trend where all things whole get broken down,it too is about to get deconstructed.
For that reason, people now seek to reconstruct their consciousness by extending it onto others.
Through this process of extension, we have learned to unravel things down to their basic elements.
We are succeeding at digging up new knowledge of what it is we all share.
This knowledge that bonds different people together seems to appear suddenly,but in reality it is already coded into our planet, our universe.
We construct things from the most basic building blocks.
What are we to discover from this process?
To find the answer, we must continue to turn our gaze toward those around us.
VIA [ Geekologie ]