This Rifle Fits Inside Its Own Stock, Is Waterproof

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By David Ponce

You never know when you’re going to be on a burning plane, careening down towards an alligator infested lake. It’s just one of those things. Provided you survive the crash and are given enough time to get your bearings however, having the above Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 rifle in your backpack could help you wade your way through the gators and to some kind of safety. At just (just 3.5 lbs) and 16 ½” long when stowed, you’ll barely even know it’s there. Several layers of Teflon coating help with the waterproofing, even in harsh saltwater environments. It uses .22 LR ammunition, which is lightweight and fairly easy to carry in large numbers. It’s available in camo or black finishes and surprisingly doesn’t cost very much: $339 in camo and $275 in black.

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