Black Ox

By Evan Ackerman

Wow, it seems like an eternity since I’ve summed up what’s been going on over at BotJunkie… While I was gone, Luke did an excellent job keeping everything up to date. If you haven’t been checking things out for the last few weeks, it’s definitely worth a trip through the recent archives, which include robots mowing lawns, serving beer, and stripping naked. This past week, though, we began with a graphical reminder that robots can be dangerous (especially if you hack up their power supplies), realized that the human race has nothing left now that robots can kick our ass at air hockey, briefly wished we were in Philadelphia Pittsburgh for the Robot 250 festival featuring an honest-to-goodness lawn mowing electric sheep, got jealous of our goldfish since they’re the ones who will benefit from a super smart fish feeding bot, wished we could afford to buy some spectacular retro Wall-E posters, found a Flickr pool of things that look like robots but aren’t, were slightly creeped out by CrabFu’s latest swashbot creations in the forms of a turtle and a fish, were extremely creeped out by some video of a modular amphibious robot snake, chuckled over Asimov’s other 27 (yes, there are 27 more) laws of robotics, were impressed by a robotic interpretation of the evolution of dance, and decided that no matter how badass he looks, we’re probably not going to spend 7k on a 44 centimeter tall Black Ox humanoid robot. Even if we really, really want to.

[ BotJunkie ]