
By Evan Ackerman

This week turned out to be steam power week on BotJunkie… We began with a robot called EATR that is able to scrounge for food to power itself with a steam driven bioreactor, then saw a shirt called Helbotica that combines the best of robots and fonts, watched the take off of a quad rotor helicopter the size of a quarter from Stanford in 1999, got steamier with a steam powered walking robot toy, checked out ThinkGeek’s new $50 Edge robotic arm kit, learned that Ugobe (makers of Pleo) may release a new product this year or may go extinct, saw some great footage of soccer bots and racing hexapods from the 2009 Singapore Robot Games, were steamed out after checking out some of Crabfu’s amazing steam powered robots (including a full size R2D2), wondered if a robot doll that looks like you and talks in your voice would be awesome or creepy or both, and finished off the week with a video of AR and KAR who team up to do the laundry and the dishes and sweep the floor.

[ BotJunkie ]