By Evan Ackerman
This week on BotJunkie began with a video from the Austrian cocktail robotics festival Roboexotica, then we got a little miffed at Klutz for not crediting Evil Mad Scientist Labs for Bristlebots, bet that an android called BERTI would eventually win at rock paper scissors, saw a new video featuring everyone’s favorite quadrupedal military robot BigDog, learned how to make a bunch of little robots out of household materials from Make: Magazine, admired some embroidery celebrating the fact that humans are dead, wanted to try out some robot tiles that let you move without moving in virtual reality, read about a new type of autonomous mapping based on imagery, wished we had a hummer so that the Chaos high mobility robot could pull it, were not at all worried now that subways in NYC are controlling themselves, heard that CMU is planning on sending robots to the moon to help build a base for humans, were glad to find a golf green mowing robot since we’re tired of doing it ourselves, watched a robot give birth, and ended up less than impressed with a transforming robot watch from the 80s.
Robots have been getting some kinda bad press lately, with mainstream media sensationalizing the potential dangers of autonomous military robots. In out last article this week, we take a look at a piece by Fox News which illustrates this quite well, and then we talk about what the potential consequences of autonomous armed robots might be… It’s not only not worth panicking about, but it’s already happened. Check it out.
[ BotJunkie ]