Tic Button Fasteners Help Out In A Pinch

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Hey so uh, those darn buttons, eh? Ever had to throw a shirt because a button fell off and you’re useless with a thread and needle? I have. Loved that shirt, too. But I was young, and stupid and didn’t want to ask anyone for help, so off to to goodwill it went. But I think I might have been ok with using a Tic button instead. It’s this little kit that helps you mend a fallen button with no needle or thread. Just “1) Take one tic and pinch the spiky end through the shirt fabric, 2) Place the button on the spikes and close, and 3) Hold the button, and rotate the clip until it falls off.” Sounds simple enough. We’re not sure how durable the button is, but at $8 for a 4-pack, even if it’s a temporary fix, it’s a decent deal.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ GearHungry ]

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