Time Of The Sky Watch Stresses Style Over Punctuality

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Time Of The Sky Watch (Images courtesy Ryohei Yoshiyuki)
By Andrew Liszewski

If wearing a watch is more of a style choice for you, than a means to ensure you arrive somewhere on time, then the vagueness of Ryohei Yoshiyuki and Tomoya Kahimada’s ‘Time Of The Day’ watch would make it a perfect accessory. Instead of hands or even a digital display, the watch’s face changes colors, roughly reflecting what the sky would look like through a 24 hour period were there no cloud cover. Pushing a button on the side of the case also causes the sun or the moon to appear, providing extra clues about what time of day it is. And on a more philosophical level, the watch also serves as a reminder to take a few seconds to look up at the real sky throughout your busy day.

[ Ryohei Yoshiyuki’s Time Of The Sky Watch ] VIA [ designboom ]

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