Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key Looks Like Not-So-Inconspicuous Trouble

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If you have your hands in cuffs, there’s a chance that trying to get out of them will only land you in more trouble. The Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key is just what it sounds like: a key that’ll open standard “peerless” cuffs and that is so small it’s unlikely to be noticed on your person as you’re being restrained. It’s intended to be used by law enforcement personnel who’ve been illegally detained, but the company doesn’t make an effort to restrict the sale to them. This means only $13 and a credit card stand between you and the ability to enter a world of hurt we can’t legally recommend to anyone. Heck, legally or not, you really shouldn’t use this if you’ve been stopped by a police officer. Better to just go “hey, that’s pretty neat that this exists!” and move on.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ DudeIWantThat ]

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