Tiny RC Quad-Copter Costs Less Than A Parrot Drone

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Joel Williams Avatar


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Seems like quad-rotor copters are popping up everywhere: as taxidermied cats, as flying DeLoreans, as scary flying formations from hell and as an expensive attraction at the last two CESes. That last one refers to Parrot’s A.R. 2 Drone. Admittedly, it’s pretty high tech and fancy. But it’s also $300+. For $49 you can instead get the version from Brando which does pretty much the same things, only with less cowbell. The 6 AXES GYRO RC Somersault UFO even does flips, although it’s controlled through a traditional remote rather than with the iPhone (like the AR Drone). There’s no foam protection like there is on Parrot’s offering and there are quite a few buttons on that remote, which makes it not look quite as intuitive; a crash seems inevitable. But we don’t know. It does have gyro stabilization so hey, let’s not rush to judgement. Seeing as it’s $40, if you break it after 15 minutes, you won’t spend as much time crying about it.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Techcrunch Gadgets ]

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