By David Ponce
Nearly 7 years ago when OhGizmo! launched, it had an emphasis on design. It was just me back then and I remember being amazed at products that were elegant and ingenious in their design. And while I shifted focus somewhat after a while (smart design turns out to be pretty rare), I still get excited when I come across things like this Tipping Teacup.
The teacup has an unusual angled bottom that allows it to rest in two different positions. On one side is a screened compartment in which you place your favorite loose tea leaves. Pour hot water through the screen and allow it to steep. Once it’s done, simply tip the cup in the other direction, lifting the leaves up out of the water. The cup’s large size is perfect for cradling between your hands as you enjoy the warmth of your drink. Screen is removable for simple clean-up.
One cup holds 6 oz. and though it’s made out of plastic, it is not dishwasher safe. It comes in black or white and is $20.
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