By David Ponce
The real top tech news today is about Brightcove and how they managed to raise $59.5M in funding. They are (yawn…) yet another internet TV company, only proving what we already know: internet TV is hot. Yes, we get it.
So, instead today, we’ll just tell you about Apple, and how they’ve just announced a cool billion (with a “b”) in profits for the last quarter. That’s $1B in profits, from $7.1B in revenue; $7.1B worth of iPods, Macs and whatever other Apple branded goodness the Cupertino Oven bakes. This represents a 24% growth in revenue and 78% growth in earnings. Considering most PC companies are happy to post single digit growth, this last financial showing from Apple proves that it is indeed leaving its simple computer manufacturer ethos behind and becoming a full blown consumer electronics manufacturer. If you thought dropping the “Computers” from “Apple Computers” was done on a whim, you better think again.
Oh, and how much of this comes from the mighty iPod and music sales? 58%