Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor Prop

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Iron Man Movie Arc Reactor Prop Replica (Image courtesy Entertainment Earth)
By Andrew Liszewski

We’re in-between Iron Man movies this year, which means there’s probably not going to be a lot of demand for Iron Man or Tony Stark costumes this October. So logically it’s the perfect time to go out as the crime-fighting billionaire industrialist, since you won’t run into those awkward ‘same costume’ incidents.

And thanks to this arc reactor prop replica, dressing up like Tony Stark is as easy as ever. It’s made from machined aluminum, stainless steel and custom molded plastic with real-working LEDs and was modeled after the actual prop made by Stan Winston Studios for the first film. It comes in a Plexiglas display case, but is easily removable, and should be available from Entertainment Earth sometime in September for $149.99.

[ Iron Man Movie Arc Reactor Prop Replica ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]

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