Toshiba Announces First 64GB SDXC Card

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Toshiba SDXC Cards (Image courtesy Akihabara News)
By Andrew Liszewski

While flash cards with larger and larger capacities are inevitable, at one point I would have scoffed at a 64GB SD card as being completely unnecessary. But with more and more DSLRs using SD cards, getting bigger sensors and gaining the ability to capture hi-def video, a 64GB card not only makes sense, but is almost necessary. So congratulations to Toshiba who are the first to launch a 64GB SDXC card with 35MB per second write speeds and 60MB per second read speeds. The new card will also be available in 32GB and 16GB capacities (yawn!) and are set to go into production early next year.

[ PR – Toshiba to Launch World’s First 64GB SDXC Card ] VIA [ Akihabara News ]

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