TrakBelt360™ Rotates Your Tools Around Your Waist

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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On the job with your super loaded toolbelt, it can become pretty tedious having to move the entire thing around when you have to access a tool on either end, or do anything else that might require getting the bulk of the weight out of the its current position. The TrakBelt360™ pictured above solves that by featuring a special track system that lets your pouches rotate 360 degrees around you. This way you can easily enter doorways, climb ladders or do anything else with ease. It’s not just for construction workers either, but photographers might also enjoy the system, easily accessing their lenses and other accessories. The system works with any pouches or tool holsters, and a pledge of only $60 will get you one at this point.

[ Project Page ] VIA [ IncredibleThings ]

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