Transcend StoreJet

By Luke Anderson

When I travel, I tend to pack as lightly as possible. However, being a geek doesn’t make that very easy. In order to cut down on the amount of clutter in my gadget bag, I usually forgo the inclusion of my external hard drive. My laptop hard drive is usually large enough to accommodate most of my files, and I’m afraid that as hard as I am on my gadgets, I’ll end up killing an external drive (I’ve done it before). If you’re worried about protecting your data when you’re away from home, the StoreJet 25 might put your mind at ease.

The new drive from Transcend features an extra-rugged silicone case that stands up to US military drop-test standards by utilizing a two-stage anti-shock technology. The drive will come in capacities of up to 250GB, which is about as large as you’d expect for a 2.5-inch drive. The highest capacity will set you back $176.99.

[ Transcend ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]