Silver Plated Transformer AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICON Cufflinks (Image courtesy finkstudio)
By Andrew Liszewski

The thing I like most about these silver plated Transformers cufflinks is the bipartisan approach they take. Let’s face it, the war over Cybertron isn’t going to stop until both sides, the Autobots and the Decepticons, come to some peaceful agreement. And seeing people walk around with just a single logo on their hoodie or t-shirt, showing support for one side over the other, does not help the healing process. These cufflinks however feature the logos of both factions, and tell the world that you’re tired of all the fighting and action-packed battle sequences, and just want to see both sides start working together… to take down those G.I. Joe jerks!!

The cufflinks are available from finkstudio’s shop on Etsy for just $20.

[ Etsy – Transformer Cufflinks ] VIA [ The UberReview ]